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What are the main services currently providing?

Our main services are listed down in our [services page](/services).

Who is the founder of KRAG?

Founder of KRAG is Mr.Kenura R. Gunarathna.

How can we contact?

We prefer any method to contact us. If we aren't able to pickup the calls. feel free to email us. Our contact informations are shown in the [contact page](/contact).

How can I obtain the services or products from KRAG?

You have to contact us in order to our services or products.

Who is the owner of KRAG?

KRAG is currently owned by Mr.Kenura R. Gunarathna.

What are the products of KRAG?

Our projects are listed down in our [projects page](/projects). currently we are only working on website, mobile and desktop app development. In the near future we are going to expand our production line.

What is KRAG?

KRAG is a new company strarted to find new innovations and new ways of life by their founders. In that way we build any thing starting from any scratch we foung in our path. We are still developing more and more to reach a vast global community.

Cpanel Hosting

All of our web hosting plans will be given with a cpanel account where you can customize your website freeley and to install softaculous softwares.

24/7 Customer Support

You can call us, email us for any technical problems and difficulties. We are 24/7 are open to solve your problems.

Data Protection

With our servers we can asure that your data are sequred and not leaked. Your data on our servers are even protected from us.

Domain Registration

We also provide the domain registration services also. Including .lk domains. Domain will be automatically registered for a web hosting plan.

Email Accounts

Once you have purchased a web hosting and domain from us you can obtain email accounts created for your own domain, so that you manage your business officially.

Fast Project Delivery

As we know time is worth than money, we can garentee to provide the services and products within the given time frame.

SSH Supported

Your cpanel account will be fully SSH supportive and you can use functions like Terminal and Git Version control to handle big tasks.

Web Development

We develop websites and web apps embeded with Vanila JS, Jqury, Boostrap, Tailwind CSS, PHP, Wordpress, Laravel Framework. Our products fully support SEO also.

Web Hosting

We have web hosting pacakges from basic, standard to premium. All web hosting plans are embeded with sequrity protocols to protect from malecious softwares.

Google Translator

## Highlights - Support for 3 UI designs. - Countru flags. - Lightweight library. ## Details Google translate feature editied with enabling to hide the bars and showing country flags.


## Highlights - Advanced routing (than Sroute). - Support for views, callbacks and controllers. - Lightweight framework. - OOP implementation. - Error handling. - Custom helper functions. - Database Queries. - Request data handling. - Database Migrations. - Offline documentation. ## Details This is build with a system similar to Laravel and for people who require light-weight framework than Laravel can easily adapt to this as well. We have a well documented <a href={frontmatter.url}>documentation</a> to get started with the framework, making it a breeze to get started with the framework.


## Highlights - Support for views and callbacks. - Lightweight library. - OOP implementation. ## Details A simple Routing package based on php. You can use this to build your own website with beautiful urls and with much better sequrity. You can even confgure tailwind css for this also. Read the <a href={frontmatter.url}>documentation</a> to get started with the library.


## Highlights - This product comes with a website and a web app. - You can store customers info and remind them of special offers in their special days. - Easy to add, update and remove food categories and food items. - Dashboard for website management. - 100% SEO supported. ## Details The KUKU Family Restaurant web app is created by the KRAG as one of it's 1st group project. This is the 1.0.0 version of the web app. The web app is programmed using php, js, css programming languages and with the help of html as the markup language. Backend is based on the Laravel framework and frontend is made using jquery. The authors of the web app is Mr.Kenura R. Gunarathna and Disandhu Sanhida. The current url that you are redirecting is customized for kuku family restaurant at No 95, Katuwawala, Boralesgamuwa, Sri Lanka and it can be customized specially for your restaurant also.


### Highlights - Create a KRAG account. - Create a neww app int he dashboard section. Complete all the details. - Follow the documentation on the dashboard and embed the codes in to your website. ### Details The Account manager is created by the KRAG as one of their early inventions. This is the 2.0.0 version of the web app. The web app is programmed using php, js, css programming languages and with the help of html as the markup language. Backend is based on the Laravel framework and frontend is made using jquery. The author of the web app is Mr.Kenura R. Gunarathna.

Astro Indravaruna

### Highlights - This is a private project made for Mr. Varuna Gunarathna. (If you are in need of one of this kind of web app, please contact our developers.) - Then you will be given with a licensee vertion of the web app. - 100% SEO supported ### Details The Astroindravaruna web app is created by the KRAG as one of their early inventions for astrologers to ease their work. This is the 3.0.0 version of the web app. The web app is programmed using php, js, css programming languages and with the help of html as the markup language. Backend is based on the Laravel framework and frontend is made using jquery. The author of the web app is Mr.Kenura R. Gunarathna.